February 2019, Senate House.
Decoding the Past. Digital Tools for the Analysis of Historical Data.
March 2019, Royal Holloway.
Climate, Disease and the End of Rome? New Findings and Old Debates in the Environmental History of Late Antiquity.
June 2019, Leeds.
How the Church Became a Property-holding Institution in the Early Middle Ages, with Prof. Ian Wood.
June 2019, Senate House.
Polities of Faith. Theology, Ecclesiology and Spatiality in the Christian World.
October 2019, Royal Holloway.
Feeding Gotham: aspects of urban ecology in Global Perspective, Dr Johannes Preiser-Kapeller.
June 2021, Columbus Ohio (virtual).
Shifting Frontiers XIV: Scale and the Study of Late Antiquity.
July 2021, International Medieval Congress, Leeds (virtual) .
Renegotiating the Universal Church from behind Burgundian Borders: The Letters of Avitus of Vienne.
November 2021, Late Roman Seminar, Oxford.
Elite mobility and the adoption of religious kinship terminology in the late-antique West.
February 2022, Byzantine Graduate Seminar, Oxford.
Avitus of Vienne and Roman Approaches to Burgundian Royal Women: Ascetics, Virgins and Heretics.
May 2022, Royal Holloway.
Gendering Historical Video Games.